
Awards Committee



Tina Hovance




Brittany D Hammer

Ann Mulvihill

Jamie Ricketts

Amy Toy

Judy Johnson



Jacqueline Moreno




Tracy Bruce

Ann Mulvihill

Tamara Majors



Tina Hovance




Ann Mulvihill

Tania Smith

Cynthia Hopkins

Tracy Bruce

Joel Palmer

Joey Belgard

Awards Committee

Term of Service: One-year cycle, with option for reappointment

Appointment: Appointed by President

Major Function or Purpose of Committee: 

The committee is established to receive, review and recommend proposed awards. At the Board’s request, the committee may review and recommend awards including the TSELA Outstanding Leadership in Science Education award .


  1. Chairperson Duties
    • Oversee award nomination and selection in accordance with the organization’s Bylaws
    • Adhere to the Bylaws and General Operating Policies of the organization
    • Submit a budget recommendation and financial statement when requested by the treasurer
    • Submit written reports, when requested, for each Board Meeting, and a comprehensive report for the Annual Meeting
    • Present Awards, at the request of the president, to winning candidates
  2. Specific Awards Committee Tasks 

  • Review requirements for awards and make recommendation for Board consideration related to such that are consistent with the organization's overall mission and purpose
  • In response to requests from the Board and/or President, review and make recommendations for changes to awards presented by the organization
  • Examine and consider the implications of proposed awards changes and make recommendations to the Board
  • Review award candidates objectively and provide winner and runner up recommendations to the chair
  • Review application requirements on an annual basis to ensure to the awards process is clear and inclusive
  • Develop and maintain a process, incoordination with the Communication Committee, to solicit candidates for awards

    Bylaws Committee

    Bylaws Committee

    Term of Service: Special

    Appointment: Appointed by President

    Major Function or Purpose of Committee: 

    The committee is established to receive, review and recommend proposed amendments to the TSELA Bylaws. At the Board’s request, the committee may review and recommend changes to the Bylaws.


    1. Chairperson Duties
      • Oversee, maintain and update the organization’s Bylaws
      • Adhere to the Bylaws and General Operating Policies of the organization
      • Submit a budget recommendation and financial statement when requested by the treasurer
      • Submit written reports, when requested, for each Board Meeting, and a comprehensive report for the Annual Meeting
    2. Specific Bylaws Committee Tasks 

      • Review proposed Bylaws amendments to be considered by the membership and make recommendations to the Board
      • In response to requests from the Board and/or President, review and make recommendations for changes to the Bylaws
      • Examine and consider the implications of proposed changes and make recommendations to the Board
      • Ensure adherence to the Bylaws amendments process and timeline
      • Review proposed amendments and recommend for Board consideration changes to the Bylaws that are consistent with the organization's overall mission and purpose
      • Assist in the formulation of a process for presenting proposed amendments on the floor of the annual meeting or special meeting
        • Use digital media to document events and advocacy

    Communication Committee

    Communication Committee

    Term of Service: One-year cycle, with option for reappointment

    Appointment: Appointed by President

    Major Function or Purpose of Committee: 

    The main function of the Communications Committee is to ensure up-to-date TSELA information is provided to the members and that the content is consistent with the vision and brand of the organization. The chairperson organizes efforts toward this end.


    1. Chairperson Duties
      • Work with the officers and committees to understand what information needs to communicated to the members
      • Develop a communication plan and timeline
      • Write articles for the website/email to announce news and information members need to know
      • Develop position statements to be adopted by the organization and communication to stakeholders 
      • Update digital media platforms
    2. Specific Communications Committee Tasks
      • Notify the board and membership of important news and developments regarding science education
      • Work to ensure information and digital platforms are updated and accessible to members 
      • Use digital media to document events and advocacy

    Curriculum Committee



    Joey Belgard


    Cindy Bronson

    (Co-Chair of TEKS Guide)

    Ann Mulvihill

    (Co-Chair of TEKS Guide)

    Jason Baughman

    (Chair of Open Source)



    Lashawnia Diggs

    Tania Smith

    Elvira Salazar

    Karen Jacobs

    Kelly Suarez

    Derek McDowell

    Mandi Nelson

    Curriculum Committee

    Term of Service: Special

    Appointment: Appointed by President

    Major Function or Purpose of Committee: 

    The committee is established to develop, review and recommend curriculum elements and resources for TSELA members. The committee sees that the organization members' needs are served by TSELA. The Chairperson is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the meetings and work related to the curriculum project, including overseeing such tasks as: program development, communication and coordination with the officers and Marketing chair. The committee is composed of the Chairperson and committee members.


    1. Chairperson Duties
      • Oversee, maintain and understand the curricular needs of the organization
      • Adhere to the Bylaws and General Operating Policies of the organization
      • Submit a budget recommendation and financial statement when requested by the treasurer
      • Ensure materials adhere to the Bylaws and SOP
      • Submit written reports, when requested, for each Board Meeting, and a comprehensive report for the Annual Meeting
      • Solicit from members curricular materials, elements, and components and recommend for Board consideration the inclusion of materials that are consistent with the organization's overall mission and purpose
    2. Specific Awards Committee Tasks 

    • Develop curriculum materials, elements, and components for members and recommend for Board consideration the inclusion of materials that are consistent with the organization's overall mission and purpose

    • Review curriculum elements and components and recommend for Board consideration the adoption of materials that are consistent with the organization's overall mission and purpose

    • Ensure curricular materials are not subject to copyright or in violation of employment contracts before adopting them as part of the TSELA curriculum resource

    • In response to requests from the Board and/or President, review and make recommendations for curriculum materials and components

    • Maintain proposed Bylaws amendments to be considered by the membership and make recommendations to the Board

    • or awards

      Finance Committee

      Finance Committee

      Term of Service: One-year cycle, with option for reappointment

      Appointment: Appointed by President

      Major Function or Purpose of Committee: 

      The committee is established to receive, review and recommend proposed amendments to the TSELA Bylaws. At the Board’s request, the committee may review and recommend changes to the Bylaws.


      1. Chairperson Duties
        • Oversee, maintain and update the organization’s Bylaws
        • Adhere to the Bylaws and General Operating Policies of the organization
        • Submit a budget recommendation and financial statement when requested by the treasurer
        • Submit written reports, when requested, for each Board Meeting, and a comprehensive report for the Annual Meeting
      2. Specific Finance Committee Tasks
        • Review proposed amendments and recommend for Board consideration changes to the Bylaws that are consistent with the organization's overall mission and purpose
        • In response to requests from the Board and/or President, review and make recommendations for changes to the Bylaws
        • Examine and consider the implications of proposed changes and make recommendations to the Board
        • Ensure adherence to the Bylaws amendments process and timeline
        • Review proposed Bylaws amendments to be considered by the membership and make recommendations to the Board
        • Assist in the formulation of a process for presenting proposed amendments on the floor of the annual meeting or special meeting

      Nomination / Membership Committee



      Jason Baughman




      Terry Ward

      Caitlin Couch

      Kenn Heydrick

      Karen Jacobs

      Kelly Suarez

      Nomination Committee

      Term of Service: One-year cycle, with option for reappointment

      Appointment: Appointed by President

      Major Function or Purpose of Committee:

      The main function of the Nominations and Elections Committee is to work to ensure there is a full slate of qualified nominees for each year's election. The chairperson organizes efforts toward this end.


      1. Chairperson Duties
        • Work with President-Elect to replace committee members as 1-year appointments end
        • Maintain regular communication with the officers.
        • Ensure that the ballot is organized and submitted to the President in a timely manner
        • Maintain records of nominees for the ballot, successful candidates, and voting percentages

        • Write an article for the website/email blast to announce offices open for election, to encourage nominations, and to acknowledge incoming and outgoing officers and directors

      2. Specific Nominations and Elections Chairperson and Committee Tasks
      • Notify the board and membership of the positions open each year 
      • Work to recruit nominees for the ballot by personal contact, working with the officer, contacting individuals in other organizations, and by submitting articles soliciting nominations for the website and email blasts.

      Membership Committee

      Term of Service: One-year cycle, with option for reappointment

      Appointment: Appointed by President

      Major Function or Purpose of Committee:

      The main function of the Nominations and Elections Committee is to work to ensure there is a full slate of qualified nominees for each year's election. The chairperson organizes efforts toward this end.


      1. Chairperson Duties
        • Identify potential committee members and encourage online application for committee membership
        • Work with President-Elect to replace committee members as 1-year appointments end
        • Maintain regular communication with committee members
        • Identify, organize, and facilitate committee tasks
        • Facilitate and encourage submission of relevant articles to online postings/email blasts in order to promote and maintain organization membership
      2. Specific Membership Chairperson and Committee Tasks
      • Solicit ideas and suggestions for the purpose of increasing membership and providing more and better services to TSELA members
      • Ensure the continuity of membership in the organization through the performance of tasks related to the maintenance and growth of the membership
        • Maintain and update the organization's membership records
        • Work to recruit new members by personal contact or by utilizing regional/ESC lists, professional journals, and other science publications
        • Work with the Marketing chair to disseminate membership materials to potential new members

      Professional Learning Committee



      Derek McDowell




      Lashawnia Diggs

      Ann Mulvihill

      Karen Jacobs

      Professional Learning Committee

      Term of Service: One-year cycle, with option for reappointment

      Appointment: Appointed by President

      Major Function or Purpose of Committee:

      The Professional Learning Committee is one of the highly visible 'faces' of TSELA. The committee sees that the organization serves the needs and interests of those who participate in professional learning provided through TSELA. The Chairperson is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the meetings and sessions at CAST conferences, including overseeing such tasks as: program development, communication with presenters and facilities, coordination with the officers and Marketing chair. The committee is composed of the Chairperson and committee members..


      1. Chairperson Duties
        • Coordinate tasks of the Professional Learning Committee

        • Identify potential committee members and encourage online application for committee membership

        • Work with President-Elect to replace committee members as appointments end

        • Maintain regular communication with committee members

        • Identify, organize, and facilitate committee tasks

        • Facilitate and encourage submission of relevant articles to the website/email blasts related to professional development opportunities

      2. Specific Professional Learning Chairperson and Committee Tasks
        • Annual Fall Membership Meeting - Completes all tasks as outlined:

          • Pre-planning

          • On-site coordination

          • Post-event responsibilities

        • Winter and Spring Meetings - Completes all tasks as outlined:

          • Pre-planning

          • On-site coordination

          • Post-event responsibilities

        • TSELA sessions at CAST

          • Coordinate TSELA-sponsored events at STAT’s annual CAST Conference

          • Work with the officers to coordinate the TSELA-sponsored sessions at the various mini-CASTS throughout the year

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        Copyright TSELA 2021 unless copyright is otherwise previously held.
        "TSELA" is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. 

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